IMG_20150105_153923I’m an osteopath based in Solihull, and a former professional Mixed Martial Arts fighter. For those who follow these things, I was the first British woman to compete in the UFC. These days I still train and coach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but I spend more time putting people back together than taking them apart. When I’m not doing that, I’m often to be found climbing or lifting heavy things.

I also have a PhD in theoretical computer science, play the piano, and have a ten year old son who keeps me from getting lazy.

My professional website for my osteopathy work is here. There are some more details about my MMA career and background on my Wikipedia page. This is my personal blog, and is where I write about whatever catches my interest.

I spend a lot of time thinking about how to do things better – playing sports, recovering from injury, getting stronger, learning new skills, critical thinking, relationships, parenting, politics, life in general. That’s reflected in much of what I write. If I bumped into a version of my eighteen year old self in an alternate universe, it’s the sort of thing I might chat to her about over a coffee or four.

All opinions subject to change without notice.

27 thoughts on “About me

  1. Looking forward to seeing you again, my guys keep bugging me about when your coming back so we’ll sort that out. Yikes I have got a fight lined up on Saturday at the UK championships. I wasn’t expecting it or prepared for it to be honest however if I don’t one of the other guys won’t get a fight so in for a penny and all that jazz

    Keep Safe


  2. Hi Rosi
    I am interested in writing an article about female MMA fighters.
    Are there many in the UK?
    How often do they fight?
    How much can a top fighter earn?
    There are lots of other questions I’d like to ask but I don’t want to impose.
    Who are the best sources of info other than yourself? Do all the fighters have agents? Do you?
    That’s enough questions for now. Let me have your email address if you are willing to submit (oops! wrong word!) to further interrogation.
    Regards – Ken

  3. I am a third year student studying sports journalism at the University of Central Lancashire. As part of my final prject I am doing a 16 page magazine on a topic of my choice. I have chosen cage fighting and would like to enquire into the possiblity of doing a brief interview, by phone or email, that I could use for my magazine. Anything you can help with would be greatly appreciated.



  4. Hey Rosie, love your column in FightersOnly, helps me a lot with my phys ed major and my MMA game, keep up the great work and I’m looking forward to seeing you perform soon!

  5. Hello, what college were you in at Cambridge? We were not there at the same time (sadly for me) but I was at Downing.

    You should bring out a DVD or something!

  6. Hello Rosi,

    Have just watched the BBC 4 documentary and just skimmed yout PhD thesis and am now recalibrating my brain as to what a truely awesome person is, using you as the 100% top example. Your musicanship, scholarship and physical abilities are absolutely stellar. Best wishes to you and your loved ones and every success in your future.

  7. Just watched the BBC documentary also, and wanted to wish you the best best in all that you do this year. I’m a big boxing and martial arts fan, but more from the sidelines, so to see someone stepping up and to challenge themselves to the ultimate in combat – with the dedication in mental and physical conditioning involved – is to be greatly admired.

    You have a winner’s mindset and deserve much success and happiness.

    Best wishes again.

  8. You are an inspiration. I have sparred with you at Karls when he was next door to steve’s in the van daang block. I pulled out because of having kids, starting my own business and not being able to commit to three or four sessions per week. I watch and am inspired by you and levo and karl and Gavin and all the others I met along the way. Im 34 now and am perhaps too old to return. I buzz off this sport. All the best. I wish you every success!

  9. Rosi, you are truly my inspiration….I am a husband, an engineer and EECS PhD student, I love Muay thai but never have a gut to step to professional level .. you are so amazing, wish you the best always !

  10. Whao! We never really interacted much Rosi, but I was in your year ..studied Logic with Paris, Aczel, Wilmers, et al. I remembered you use to do jujitsu and stuff, but I would never have imagined you would go this far. Mind blowing. Best wishes. Kazem

  11. Rosi, great show at the UFC bill. Big high-five, you’re a credit to the sport, women and the strength of the human spirit. I am sure you have inspired lots of people and have paved the way for many to balance success in sport, education,and in life. Well done.

  12. Rosi, I arrived as the new young PE teacher at Kendrick in 93. This morning from home in Cantabria N.Spain I was reading an article about cage fighting and your name popped up. I thought that name is an x-pupil, (Kendrick girls cage fighting?) I had memories of you playing the piano beautifully not fighting! What an amazing varied career you’ve had….. such hard work and discipline, congratulations you’re very brave! Becky Williams (Overton)

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